Monday, November 14, 2011

Storyboard Images

1.  0:00-0:05 Robin takes aim. Animations include robin raising his arms and bow. Going to be stars twinkling in the distance

 2. 0:02-0:04 Robin shoots his bow. Pulls back the string and the arrow is released.

 3. 0:05-0:10 Arrow flying through the air. Black lines flicker to indicate movement.
 4. 0:10-0:15 Robin misses his target. Arrow flies in between the antlers, moose eyes blink.
 5. 0:15-0:20 Arrow flies into the forest. Tree motions by from right to left to simulate movement of the arrow. Black lines flicker to indicate movement.
 6. 0:20-0:30 Arrow ricochets off of the trees. Change in scale as arrow goes forward and back in space.
 7. 0:30-0:35 Arrow flies back the way it came.  Black lines flicker to indicate quick movement.
 8. 0:35-0:40 Arrow bounces off of a rock. Marks on rock appear to indicate that it was hit by the arrow.
 9. 0:40-0:45 Robin sees what is happening and is stunned.  He watches the arrow. His eyes move as the arrow moves
 10. 0:45-0:49 The arrow moves toward the moon. Moon's eyes move down to see the arrow on its way
 11. 0:49-0:53Arrow hits the moon in the eye. Eyes close, moon rotates to the left to signify cringing and he begins to start yelling at Robin.
 12.  0:53-0:58 Robin can't believe what just happened. Eyes blink, Moon is still yelling in the background, but in a high pitched voice (To signify his distance from Robin).
13.  0:58-1:00 Robin decides to run to avoid getting in trouble. Black lines appear behind him and robin turns into smoke (To signify a quick getaway).  Scene fades out.